MeeGo Projects Bug Jar 2011.22
Stephen Gadsby
2011-05-30 07:32:49 UTC
A Quick Look at MeeGo Projects in Bugzilla (http://bugs.meego.com/).
2011-05-23 through 2011-05-29

As of 2011-05-30 MeeGo Projects contains:
* total items: 1447 (+20 this week)
* total open items: 443 (+17 this week)
* open bugs: 302 (+17 this week)
* critical: 7
* security: 0
* assigned: 113 (+5 this week)
* needinfo: 19 (-1 this week)
* waiting for upstream: 7
* "EasyFix": 0
* reopened: 10 (+2 this week)
* open enhancements: 141
* assigned: 105
* needinfo: 3
* waiting for upstream: 5
* "EasyFix": 0
* reopened: 5

==--- New Items ---==

20 bugs were opened -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=17975,17991,17996,18113,18122,18123,18132,18172,18174,18206,18208,18214,18215,18216,18217,18218,18219,18220,18224,18236
* [17975] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [mwts-network] FUTE-PSD-Connect fail.
* [17991] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] User account for hanshoi
* [17996] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Log messages cannot be identified
in case of multiple devices
* [18113] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Incorrect ordering in OTS logger
view (Bug 17765 not completely solved)
* [18122] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] mwts-network wlan connect test
case fails if already connected
* [18123] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] mwts-network wlan disconnect fails
in nft cases, if already disconnected
* [18132] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] mwts-network psd upload fail timeouts
* [18172] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] blts-ofono enter pin fails
* [18174] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] OTS conductor uses hard coded AMQP settings
* [18206] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [mcts-bluez] SSH root to execute
bluez cases meet dbus error
* [18208] [Connection Manager] Fail to re-connect to 3G network after disconnect
* [18214] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [FEA] OTS trigger to use config files
* [18215] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Separating the email plug-in
configuration from the OTS server's configuration
* [18216] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Moving and grouping OTS configuration files
* [18217] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Testrunner does not log test
definition schema validation error
* [18218] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] tr-lite always evaluates return
value 255 as connection failure
* [18219] [Connection Manager] No gateway exist sometimes when wifi
connection created
* [18220] [Connection Manager] Multiple wifi services have the 'ready' state
* [18224] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] blts-usb build problems on Linux 2.6.39
* [18236] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] ots log tests return wrong
testrun_id and mark test failed even though it actually passed

0 bugs were critical.

0 enhancements were opened.

==--- Resolved Bugs ---==

6 bugs were resolved "fixed" -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=9103,12633,13017,16651,17991,18224 ):
* [9103] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Testrunner-lite doesn't do "soft"
termination of timed out test steps in remote execution mode
* [12633] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] FUTE-Messaging-Query_All_Accounts
is defined twice
* [13017] [Connection Manager] Connman crash when connecting to 3G
after set apn for 3G service.(Dell 5540 modem)
* [16651] [Mx] configure is misinterpreting --without-glade
* [17991] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] User account for hanshoi
* [18224] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] blts-usb build problems on Linux 2.6.39

0 bugs were resolved "readyforintegration".

1 bug was resolved "invalid" -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=12697 ):
* [12697] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [MWTS-Telepathy]Fail to Create SIP Account

1 bug was resolved "wontfix" -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=17664 ):
* [17664] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] meego-ai-flasher failed to enable
one worker running with two device (nc)
(nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

0 bugs were resolved "rejected".

0 bugs were resolved "duplicate".

0 bugs were resolved "worksforme".

==--- Resolved Enhancements ---==

0 enhancements were resolved "fixed".

0 enhancements were resolved "readyforintegration".

0 enhancements were resolved "invalid".

0 enhancements were resolved "wontfix".

0 enhancements were resolved "rejected".

0 enhancements were resolved "duplicate".

0 enhancements were resolved "worksforme".

==--- Released Items ---==

13 bugs were released -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=11393,11981,12633,12947,12954,13004,14885,16203,16744,17464,17508,17514,17680
* [11393] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] MCTS-Packagekit-Tests XML file
does not contain test names
* [11981] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Failed to create an gtalk account
* [12633] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] FUTE-Messaging-Query_All_Accounts
is defined twice
* [12947] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [mwts-gstreamer]Failed to build
rpm package of mwts-gstreamer with mcts-0.1.1
* [12954] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [FEA][MWTS-Telepathy]Need cases
for Hold/Reject/DTMF VoIP calls
* [13004] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [mwts-sensor] User right of
running sensor test in tests.xml conflicts with README file in
* [14885] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [location]mwts-location FUTE cases
can't match the config file
* [16203] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] mwts-qtmultimedia documentation
has wrong test data path
* [16744] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [mwts-gstreamer]
FUTE-Gstreamer-Video_Vorbis_low-FPS case indicates Pass, even though
video playing is not smooth (MCTS-0.1.6).
* [17464] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] mwts-sensors package dependencies
are missing
* [17508] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] blts-bluetooth fails to bind socket
* [17514] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Mwts-feedback README file is wrong
* [17680] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [mwts-network] Some cases in
tests.xml don't exist

0 enhancements were released.

==--- Security Bugs ---==

0 bugs were flagged.

==--- Confirmed Items ---==

0 bugs were confirmed.

0 enhancements were confirmed.

==--- Assigned Items ---==

6 bugs were assigned -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=13975,17664,17735,17996,18113,18224
* [13975] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [FEA] Support to compare the
reports which are for the same build and different hardware
* [17664] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] meego-ai-flasher failed to enable
one worker running with two device
* [17735] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Pagination support for logger views
* [17996] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Log messages cannot be identified
in case of multiple devices
* [18113] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Incorrect ordering in OTS logger
view (Bug 17765 not completely solved)
* [18224] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] blts-usb build problems on Linux 2.6.39 (nc)
(nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

0 enhancements were assigned.

==--- Reopened Items ---==

5 bugs were reopened -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=11393,12697,13928,16203,17664 ):
* [11393] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] MCTS-Packagekit-Tests XML file
does not contain test names
* [12697] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [MWTS-Telepathy]Fail to Create SIP
Account (nc)
* [13928] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [MWTS-Multimedia]Audio record case
test always failed
* [16203] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] mwts-qtmultimedia documentation
has wrong test data path
* [17664] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] meego-ai-flasher failed to enable
one worker running with two device
(nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

0 enhancements were reopened.

==--- NeedInfo Items ---==

1 bug was needing more information -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=17975 ):
* [17975] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [mwts-network] FUTE-PSD-Connect fail.

0 enhancements were needing more information.

==--- Upstream Items ---==

0 bugs were waiting on upstream work.

0 enhancements were waiting on upstream work.

==--- Keyworded Items ---==
( glossary: http://bugs.meego.com/describekeywords.cgi )

0 bugs were tagged "EasyFix".

0 enhancements were tagged "EasyFix".

==--- Top Tens ---==

Ten biggest open bugs by number of votes -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=10258,4835,2521,4027,13653,16119 ):
1. (46%) [10258] [Mx] Qt applications need extra font.conf settings to
display properly
2. (23%) [4835] [SyncEvolution] N900: fails to synchronize with some distros
3. (8%) [2521] [Connection Manager] meego doesn't save wifi password /
no reconnect
4. (8%) [4027] [SyncEvolution] contacts' PHOTOs are pushed with local
file:// uris
5. (8%) [13653] [Connection Manager] ConnMan applet disconnect does
not disconnect ipv6
6. (8%) [16119] [Connection Manager] Meego reports wrong MAC address
in UI but mpost the time correct by ifconfig (new this week)
7. (no entry)
8. (no entry)
9. (no entry)
10. (no entry)
Please visit http://bugs.meego.com/ to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten biggest open enhancements by number of votes -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2704,1350,719,4880 ):
1. (76%) [2704] [Connection Manager] Cannot use mobile phone with DUN
to connect the internet
2. (12%) [1350] [SyncEvolution] support ovi.com (Nokia sync service)
3. (6%) [719] [SyncEvolution] join/dejoin different sources: multiple
calendars or address books
4. (6%) [4880] [Connection Manager] ConnMan doesn't notice new provisioning file
5. (no entry)
6. (no entry)
7. (no entry)
8. (no entry)
9. (no entry)
10. (no entry)
Please visit http://bugs.meego.com/ to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten hottest open bugs -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=10081,14241,11700,5481,13904,13928,14970,11780,4835,17677
1. [10081] [SyncEvolution] slow sync + conflict resolution +
duplicates (+2 this week)
2. [14241] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] The mwts-sensors test cases will
always fail (-1 this week)
3. [11700] [Ofono] FTP Upload not fonctional with ofono- (-1 this week)
4. [5481] [MeeGo Touch Framework] Signal MList::itemLongTapped() can
not be emitted when ApplicationWindow in none-maximized state. (new
this week)
5. [13904] [Connection Manager] Pacrunner does not work (new this week)
6. [13928] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [MWTS-Multimedia]Audio record
case test always failed (new this week)
7. [14970] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] QA Mwts - Telepathy Test
Framework is not compiling with latest (0.5.7) telepathy-qt4 version
(-2 this week)
8. [11780] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] QA-reports end-user documentation
needs improvements (new this week)
9. [4835] [SyncEvolution] N900: fails to synchronize with some distros
(new this week)
10. [17677] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] Wireless Download/upload cases
failed in mwts-network (-6 this week)

Ten hottest open enhancements -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=1007,1410,1369,1356,3369,10555,1008,9045,1361,535
1. [1007] [SyncEvolution] nightly testing + valgrind results (+3 this week)
2. [1410] [SyncEvolution] Google sync with refresh-from-client fails
by "remote database error" (+3 this week)
3. [1369] [SyncEvolution] Ovi.com: iCalendar 2.0 encoding by server is
wrong (QUOTED-PRINTABLE + wrong line folding) (-2 this week)
4. [1356] [SyncEvolution] extend vCard field list (Memotoo,
ScheduleWorld) (-2 this week)
5. [3369] [MeeGo Touch Framework] Need way to set numeric keyboard for
Zip and Phone #s (-2 this week)
6. [10555] [Connection Manager] [REG] VPN connection drops after
resume from suspend (new this week)
7. [1008] [SyncEvolution] Evolution contact lists (new this week)
8. [9045] [MeeGo Quality Assurance] [FEA] Test request priority from
OTS worker point of view (new this week)
9. [1361] [SyncEvolution] performance and reliability improvements
(new this week)
10. [535] [SyncEvolution] syncevo-dbus-server: notify clients about
automatic sync schedule (new this week)

Ten oldest open bugs (unchanged for 13 weeks) -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=1009,1041,1133,1363,1364,1367,1559,1658,1699,1710
1. (406 days) [1009] [SyncEvolution] nightly testing: include Resend/Retry tests
2. (405 days) [1041] [SyncEvolution] virtual sources (calendar+todo): statistics
3. (404 days) [1133] [SyncEvolution] Maemo 5 Syncevolution GUI daily
sync time resets
4. (399 days) [1363] [SyncEvolution] HOWTO and support for addding
support for new devices
5. (399 days) [1364] [SyncEvolution] SyncML server: conflict resolution
6. (399 days) [1367] [SyncEvolution] nightly testing: include
SyncEvolution <-> SyncEvolution testing
7. (395 days) [1559] [Connection Manager] Wrong DNS lookups while on VPN
8. (391 days) [1658] [SyncEvolution] syncevo-phone-config: generate remote rule
9. (391 days) [1699] [SyncEvolution] Sync app UI needs to be updated
to fit all languages
10. (391 days) [1710] [SyncEvolution] Sync service - there's a button
at bottom of page, almost invisible

Ten oldest open enhancements -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=264,319,401,535,572,616,617,619,668,671
1. (427 days) [264] [SyncEvolution] sync-UI: sort templates
alphabetically, pick by score
2. (427 days) [319] [SyncEvolution] Support remote calendar access via caldav
3. (424 days) [401] [SyncEvolution] make timeout for first message in
server initiated sync configurable
4. (418 days) [535] [SyncEvolution] syncevo-dbus-server: notify
clients about automatic sync schedule
5. (418 days) [572] [SyncEvolution] syncevo-http-server: handle
message resend while message is still being processed
6. (416 days) [616] [SyncEvolution] command line: cancel password request
7. (416 days) [617] [SyncEvolution] sync-ui: cancel password request
8. (416 days) [619] [SyncEvolution] server: intelligent handling of
unexpected slow syncs
9. (412 days) [668] [SyncEvolution] Synthesis error codes and explanation
10. (412 days) [671] [SyncEvolution] service setting changes should be
tested with server right away

This summary is also posted to the MeeGo Forum:
and the MeeGo Bug Jar blog:
